Product Management

The Product Management module in RepairSuite helps you efficiently manage your inventory, track product details, and maintain stock levels. You can add, update, and delete products, as well as manage inventory to ensure smooth operations.

Before adding a product, You should add Physical Location and Device It is optional

Adding a New Product

To add a new product:

  1. Navigate to Product Management
    • From the left sidebar, go to Settings → Product → Add New Product
  1. Fill in Product Details
    The product creation form is divided into multiple sections:
  2. General Information
    • Name* – The product name.
    • Image* – Upload an image or use WebCam to capture one.
    • Status* – Active or inactive.
    • Alert Quantity* – Minimum stock level for low-stock alerts.
    • Short Description – A brief overview of the product.
    • Long Description – Detailed product description.
    • Physical Location – Assign the product to a Physical Location (Room, Rack, Level).
    • Device Issues – List potential issues related to the product (if applicable).
    • SKU* – Stock Keeping Unit (must be unique).
    • IMEI – Enter the IMEI for trackable electronic devices.
    • Pricing Information
    • Purchase Price* – Cost of acquiring the product.
    • Selling Price* – Price at which the product will be sold.
  3. Extra Information
    • Warranty Amount – Specify the warranty period.
    • Warranty Unit – Select the unit (days, months, years).
    • Condition* – Define if the product is new, refurbished, or used.
  4. Click “Create” to add the product to the system.

Updating a Product

  1. Go to Settings → Product.
  2. Locate the product you want to edit.
  3. Click the three-dot menu (⋮) next to the product and select “Edit”.
  4. Modify the necessary fields and click “Update” to save changes.

Deleting a Product

⚠️ Warning: Deleting a product will permanently remove all associated data, including tickets, invoices, and customer records for that branch. This action cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.

  1. Go to Settings → Product.
  2. Click the three-dot menu (⋮) next to the product.
  3. Select “Delete”, and a confirmation pop-up will appear.
  4. Click “Confirm” to permanently remove the product.

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